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       According to an article on New World Encyclopedia titled, Abortion, explains that, “an abortion is the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by it death, when artificially induced by chemical, surgical, or other means.”  Abortion can be categorized in two different terms.  One term is spontaneous abortion, which is the same thing as a miscarriage.  Human nature is known to have miscarriages, but when trauma is enforced to cause an abortion, this is a fact, that a human life is being ended by the means of an unnatural cause.  This term is known as induced labor.  There are two reasons found for induced labor, therapeutic and elective abortions.  Therapeutic abortions are a result of an abortion due to the health risk of mother, fetus, or both.   Elective abortions are for any other reasons than health risk concerns.  This is why so many innocent humans are murdered each year.  This happens because people think they should be able to control the consequences of bringing a life into this world. Cowards!

        Some procedures used during abortions can be very gruesome in nature due to the fact that these little tiny humans are often ripped apart and/or sucked out in a vicious manner.  Induced labor can be accomplished through surgical or medical abortions.  Surgical abortion procedures are Manual Vacuum aspiration, Electric Vacuum aspiration, Dilation and Curettage, and Mifepristone in the 1st trimester.  In the 2nd trimester the Dilation and Evacuation, Hysterotomy, Intrauterine Cranial decompression, and induced miscarriage procedures are used.  In the first part of the 3rd trimester the Hysterotomy, Intrauterine Cranial Decompression and induced miscarriages are used.


  • Manual Vacuum aspiration- removing fetus or embryo by suction using a syringe

  • Electric Vacuum aspiration- removing fetus or embryo by suction using an electric surgical pump

  • Dilation and Curettage- opening the female cervix of the uterus and cleaning the walls lining of the uterus with a curette, and empting the contents with surgical instruments and suction

  • Intrauterine Cranial Decompression- surgical decompression of the fetus’s head before being removed, also known as partial birth abortion

  • During many of these procedure an injection can be giving to stop the heart beat before the surgical procedure takes place

Medical abortion is in reference to a chemical abortion.  Both non-surgical types of abortions are caused by being injected with certain chemicals such as methotrexate, mifepristone, followed by prostaglandin.  

        Whether abortions are accidental or deliberate, it is fact that it is the death of a living species during development.  A living species destination is not determined by stages in which it develops, but yet by the total of the specimens biological characteristics.  A human life begins the moment of conception.  This is a fact that is irrefutable concerning human nature.  When an unnatural force terminates the developments of nature at any stage, it is murder.  Without justified judgements due to health risks, it is a crime against another living being, in which life has been taken.  In an article titled State Facts about Abortion: Missouri reports, “Abortion is a common experience: At current rates, about one in three American women will have had an abortion by the time she reaches age 45.  Moreover, a broad cross section of U.S. women have abortions.  58% of women having abortions are in their 20’s, 61% have one or more children; 85% are unmarried, 69% are economically disadvantaged; and 73% report a religious affiliation.  No racial or ethnic group makes up a majority: 36% of women obtaining abortions are White non-Hispanic, 30% are Black non-Hispanic, 25% are Hispanic and 9% are of other racial backgrounds.”  With this statement, we can only conclude that these murderous acts have no specific background or culture.  It is unconceivable that the act of killing so many lives can be so acceptable when other options are available. In the article titled 10 Arguments: for and Against Abortion, by Linda Lowen a women’s issue expert shared “Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result.  And with 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child.”



Abortion, Modified, December 2012


10 Arguments: For and Against Abortion, © 2015


State Facts About Abortion: Missouri, © copyright 1996-2015, Guttmacher Institute




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